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Kendra Swain

Kendra Swain

Security Officer, Vidor High School

Born in Houma, La, Kendra “Angel” Swain has called the Gulf Coast her home since birth. After graduating high school, she went to several Area Fire training schools to become the first female firefighter in her family. She attended Texas A&M Fire Training in 2005 to become the department's first female Public Information Officer. After 7 years in the department and a move to Jasper, Tx she went on to become a 911 Dispatcher/jailer, after graduating from Angelina College with her Basic Telecommunication certification. Another move made for another job change and this time it was to security, while also attending the national EMS Academy. In 2016 her family and her were transferred back to SETX, where her husband was stationed at MSU Port Arthur with the US Coast Guard. After 20 years of service to the country her husband, Justin, decided to retire and they bought a home, here in Vidor. Swain has been the DAEP para at the Jr. High for the past 3 years. Mother of 5, oldest 2 in the US Air Force, middle at BYU and younger 2 still at home. She quickly realized that time is precious and with all the shift jobs and moves, that she has missed out on a lot of time with her children. So, presented the opportunity she made the change to be a Security Officer at the High School.
